Mothers: Get Your Degree at a 2-Year College

Mothers: Get Your Degree at a 2-Year College
Many people don’t take junior colleges seriously. A 2-year college education could be exactly what a single or stay-at-home mom needs. Two-year colleges present many interesting possibilities for gaining an education. With financial opportunity you could get the education you want and need. Despite the jokes and put-downs, community colleges do have something to offer students who are ambitious. At a 2-year college, students can stay close to home to develop maturity or save money or even take basic courses to help determine their future majors. Young mothers who recently graduated high school obviously benefit from this situation, but so also do older mothers. Started in 2009, the Scholarships for Moms program helps to enroll moms in colleges and universities of all kinds. The $ 5,000 grant is a huge bonus for going to college. The most important reason for many who attend a community college is the lower costs. A $ 5,000 Pell Grant doesn’t remove financial burdens, but it can certainly alleviate them. Consider that most college and university educations cost tens of thousands of dollars, but that isn’t so at junior colleges. In fact many high school graduates with a high SAT score can get a full scholarship to go to junior college. This is a significant prize for young moms who still managed to do well in school. Whether you receive a school scholarship or not, the Pell Grant can be used to pay for most school-related expenses. At many schools the gap is closing between the classes that 2-year colleges offer and those that are offered at big liberal arts universities. Many 2-year schools give their high-achieving students the chance to enroll in the school’s honors program. One particular school in Arizona even had various overseas study opportunities. A good example is the junior college that offers study credits in places such as London and French Polynesia. The exciting variety of classes that a student can take will only help as he or she moves on to a 4-year school or into the working world. Grants for ambitious moms will certainly make junior colleges even more attainable. Even as they benefit from a $ 5,000 grant, mothers can reap the financial savings benefits of going to a small local college. These schools also allow a mom to prepare for a productive career in two years or a transfer to a 4-year college. Earning an associate degree is a smart choice on the road to being a professional.

So what’s holding you back? Take advantage of a $ 10,000 scholarship drawing. Registration is free if you visit